Family Breakfast at Kono's

Family Breakfast at Kono's
Family Fun

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Chelsea's Blessing / Greg's Priesthood ordination

Greg ordained an Elder of the Church
(Men in Black.... Sexy)

Greg was ordained an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints August 31st 2008. This took place in Melissa and Brad's home as that is where the baby blessing was held due to Mel's condition. Greg wanted to be ordained an Elder before the blessing so he could take part in it. So before the blessing of Chelsea, Greg was ordained and Elder by his dad. Standing in the circle was his brother Jeff and Brad (brother-in-law) It was nice that we were able to this when the family was all there to participate, since they were all gathered for the blessing.

A Very Special Day

As stated in a previous blog, Melissa had to go back into the hospital to have the infection removed. We were getting a little worried as we had Chelsea's blessing planned for the 31st of August as that was a Holiday weekend and all family members could be there. Melissa was discharged from the hospital Saturday the 30th about 5 pm after Melissa told her doctor her whole family was there for the blessing of Chelsea and that it was to take place Sunday the next day. The doctor was very compensating by letting Melissa go home however she had to be on a IV antibiotic. She had to have this IV every 6 hours. We had to call a member of the Bishopric and explain the circumstances that Melissa can't go to church with her IV and that we had the blessing already planned. So we were able to have the blessing in Melissa and Brad's home filled with family and friends. It was a beautiful blessing. Mandy, Me and Jeff got to get Chelsea ready for this special event. She looked like an Angel. Brad gave a beautiful blessing. Melissa's friend Sara wrote down what was said in the blessing for Melissa to have. I thought that was very special. It was great to see so many old friends and visit with family too.

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